Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I am going to over post in order to make up for the fact that I will likely not post for the next month while I am gone. So here is a quick and fun story about my little Mister and I.

When I was younger (5-15) I would sneak into my parents room at night and sleep at the foot of their bed. Yes I totally did this until I was at least 15 because if I ever watched a scary movie then it was a great way to get some sleep and not have to be nervous all night. If I was really awesome I would wake up before my parents alarm and then sneak out so that they would have no idea I was even in there. My mom was a super light sleeper so it was rare that they didn't know that I was in there. 

So fast forward to just a few days ago and Kendrick completely snuck into our room and fell asleep in between Nathan and I. I still have no idea when he came in or how he even got up onto our bed. I just woke up and realized that I was snuggling him instead of my hubby. It was so funny. Kendrick has not slept with us even as a newborn. 

I wasn't 100% against co-sleeping but Kendrick just never would sleep with us. Even when he was sick he would snuggle and then sleep so much better in his own bed. Occasionally it was frustrating not to have him sleep in our bed but overall it has worked out and it has been a great thing. I just think it is so funny that he randomly wanted to snuggle in our bed and neither Nathan or I noticed him. 

1 comment:

  1. That's adorable. Wish you could have snuck a pic of him. Also you would sneak into Mom and Dads room?!?!!? No idea...p.s. we shared a room!
