Saturday, March 29, 2014

Crow Updates

Nathan is working like crazy in order to get a little extra time off for a family vacation in St. George next week. He has even taken an additional shift to help out a co-worker. He does this without complaining and helps at home more than I can ever thank him for. He is liking his job more and more with recent changes. It was a challenge throughout the winter months and we were constantly talking about moving. As of now we are just taking one day at a time and seeing where we end up.

I started working out everyday in March and could not be happier. My body craves a good workout and thanks to Nate I've been able to fit it in (usually) without Kendrick sitting on me. Kendrick loves to follow along if possible and while it is the cutest thing ever I appreciate Nate's help in making it my alone time.

I have also been called into the young women's. It is by far my dream calling and yet I never thought I would feel so unqualified when in it. I have already learned more from the girls than I have taught them. It is more difficult than I imagined but I can't help but smile that I get to work, learn, teach, help, play, etc with such amazing young girls.

Kendrick is my angel. He is growing up faster than I want to admit. I love waking up each day and not knowing what Kendrick will discover in the world. His smile makes me smile so wide that my mouth will hurt. He has learned the names of most of his friends and loves having play dates. While I'm too shy to schedule them all the time I sure have a happy boy when I do. I'm hoping I can be brave enough to start a play group in the summer. Right now our favorite place together is the library. It is far away so usually we make a whole day of it. I love that he is interested in books and learning how to sit still and listen.

I really just haven't felt like writing. I go through phases where I just hate social media. I've been off fb for a few months and then I just kinda got sick of blogging too. Sometime the computer just stresses me out rather than relaxing me. I want to keep on blogging for journal purposes but I may be mia for awhile. That is our update though and life just keeps on moving forward.

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