Friday, November 7, 2014

Halloween and 1 Month

Kendrick was a Tiger. Thank you to Aunt Jan for letting us barrow a costume! :)

Garrett was a cute baby and I went as a Mommy (So creative yup yup)

Our Camera turns everything so yellow but I love my 2 boys. 

1 month! This is the only decent picture we got. Garrett was having a spit-up/ gassy day. 

Boys! Life! Crows!

I absolutely love that I get to say boys and not just boy. It brings a new smile to my face every time. Life at the Crow house has been nothing short of euphoric. Somehow having a new baby in the home puts me at my happiest. I am constantly reminded of my blessings and can not seem to adequately express thanks for them.

Happenings in the Crow house:

Muchacho is currently at a video game convention. Something I will never ever completely understand but I have learned to support. This has been one of our biggest battles in marriage for me to get to where I could be okay with video games. It took me playing with him many nights a week and reading lots of self help books to get to where I love him more for it. It is just a part of who he is. He is fairly well at balancing playing and where some guys like sports or television my hubby likes video games and that is a okay. Video games are his down time and have become a big part of my down time too. Who would have thunk?
If I could highlight Nate's best quality in life I would say he is the most outstanding Daddy. He loves my boys as much as I do and takes care of them in the same manner. I have had many YW responsibilities to attend to this past month and Nathan has watched both boys almost effortlessly (at least he makes it look that way). I never have to check in on him and my mamma heart doesn't even worry an ounce when I am away. Nate has the Daddy thing down and I can't help but love him more for it.

I have been loving YW. It has been the biggest stretch spiritually for me sense seminary. I was released from 2nd councilor and placed as secretary a few months back and it has been an interesting transition. I was sad for the change but now that time has passed I can see why it needed to happen. I have a lot to learn but have a firm testimony that without my Savior there is just no way I could do the calling by myself. Although I miss getting to know my beehives I love the opportunity I have to get to know all they YW.
I just finished my first book sense being pregnant. I did still read but I could never just devour a book in a few days because sleepiness always seemed to take over. I was much more likely to be found sleeping instead of reading and now I can say that is flipped. I am so excited to get caught up in another writers hear. If anyone has some book suggestions please pass them my way (I don't read romance or anything with violence, murder, etc).

Kendrick is my amazer. He always seems to put a smile on my face and a quick step to my pace. He has mastered the pedal bike. He has a difficult time starting and stopping but he can go on family bike rides now and keep up just fine. I am just stunned at his determination to figure things out. Today I almost choked from laughing so hard at a conversation he had with his cousin William.
Kendrick: William don't touch that!
William: (Steps away from Garrett's baby swing and starts walking toward Kenny)
Kendrick: Thaaank Yoou! (In his most motherly voice I have ever heard) Now come outside.

Kendrick has also discovered that he likes to pray. Even though he has been talking for almost a year he would always go silent if we asked him to pray. Then a few month back he would add in a few words to our prayers. Shortly after Garrett was born he decided he would pray on his own. Here are a few examples of how his prayers have evolved:

Kendrick say it! Jesus Christ amen.

Kendrick say it! Thank you Daddy! Jesus Christ amen.

Kendrick say it! Thank you Daddy. Thank you Momma. Thank you brother Garrett. Jesus Christ amen.

Kendrick say it! Father. Thank you (whatever he sees in his surrounding) Jesus Christ amen.

He got extremely cleaver one night and prayed that he could watch his police car show. Unfortunately it is a prayer that has still not come true because that show has been banned from our house. It is a cartoon show on Netflix that is more annoying than Sponge Bob and his Momma is mean and will not allow him to watch such lame cartoons. I do feel slightly guilty though because his prayer was so sincere.

That leaves Garrett. Lets put it this way... he is such a perfect fit for our family that I am already wanting another baby (which is huge because 2 was kind of my number on how many kids I wanted). I am just so in love with his cuteness that even though I am soaking up every moment possible it is still happening all too fast. He is just a perfect fit for our family and I feel like he has been here forever and not just 5 short weeks. He is so content, happy, and a wonderful sleeper. He does get gassy often but instead of crying he just squirms and has a sad little scrunched face that tells me about his tummy troubles.

Having a newborn and toddler is something I worried about for years. I stressed about it before I even had Kendrick. I made myself sick many times with the constant worry. I have to say that my worry was over nothing. Having 2 kids has been the most rewarding and fulfilling part of my life. My days are busy and yet I think that is contributing to my overall happiness. I love having more to do than there is time in the day for. My time is constantly used with family and I wouldn't want it any other way. All through my pregnancy  I worked EXTREMELY hard to create order and balance in my life and all it took was having Garrett. He creates the balance I had been searching for by forcing me to concentrate on food and water (so I can nurse), scriptures, and my family. Everything else has just slipped away and I don't miss it.

Blogging is no longer on my list of importance. I am hoping that writing here will make it back on for journal purposes but I have loved not getting on the computer (except to play with Nate). Whoever made it this far down the page congrats! I may or may not write again.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Birth Story

I have been debating if I really wanted to post the birth story on my blog. I don't like feeling judged about something that is so personal and spiritual to me. I decided I would post it because I LOVE reading birth stories. I love hearing how each story is unique and different just like the person being born. I wrote this just a few days after delivery and I have not done much editing. 

Monday September 29th: I had so much energy on Monday. I finished everything on my list that I wanted to do before the baby came. I even got bored and decided to clean and vacuum our car and then reorganize and sweep our garage. It was awesome. The day was so wonderful with my hubby home doing tasks with me and joining me on my morning and evening walks.   

I went to my 38 week Dr. appt in the evening. Jolene, my sister-in-law, doula, photographer met me there to meet Claudine once more. Nathan and Kendrick chose to stay home so I could attend a birth class after my appointment and not have the distraction of Kendrick making truck/emergency vehicle sounds.

Claudine asked if I wanted to be checked and my curiosity got the better of me and I had to say yes.  I was 80% effaced, dilated to a 4, and had a 1+ station. This news got me so excited. I told everyone there that I would see them Wednesday and we would all see the power of positive thinking.
Here are the reasons I wanted Wednesday to work out:

1.       October 1st is a neat birthday.
2.       Nathan would be off work so the worry of getting someone to cover his shift would be non-existent. If I did have the baby then he would only have to take off Thursday before his week paternity leave would start.
3.       Jolene’s hubby had Wednesday and Thursday off so he would be able to watch her two kids and she would not have to worry about getting a babysitter.
4.       Claudine doesn't take appointments on Thursday. If I had a long night birth or if she needed to come visit me Thursday she would not have to cancel appointments to do so.
5.       I wanted to hold my baby before General Conference weekend.
6.       I was watching a neighbor girl, A, Monday-Thursday and starting Wednesday there were two back-up sitters who could take her if I had my baby.

Tuesday September 30th: Like every morning we started the day with a 2 mile walk. After our walk around 7:30 am I noticed I lost my mucus plug. Immediately my contractions changed from just the tightening feeling to a slightly cramping feeling. There was no pain but I was aware that my body was changing and I was getting so anxious. As Nate got ready for work I was asking him many what if questions so that I would know what to do if I went into labor that day. Around 1 pm I started timing the contractions out of curiosity and they were 3-5 minutes apart on average. I let my midwife know that I was having regular contractions and her response was “awesome”. My day consisted of taking care of Kendrick and the neighbor girl but I still squeezed in a nap, another walk, and lots of sitting on the exercise ball.  

Wednesday October 1st: After our morning walk/ bike ride and lots of supported squats with the exercise ball I lost more of my mucus plug. I knew that my body was dilating and changing but I was having fewer contractions and there was still no pain associated with them.  I was beginning to think that my hopes for a Wednesday delivery were slim. Sadly I had told so many people that Wednesday would be perfect that I kept getting asked if I was going to have the baby and it was not helping my desire to do so. I was starving all day so I kept eating and drinking just in case I delivered and needed energy.

Nathan and A took a nap while Kendrick and I hung out. When Nate woke up I decided that it was very unlikely I would be delivering anytime soon so I took a turn napping. A few minutes  before 4 pm I woke up to a contraction. It was the first time that I could not fall back asleep and sleep through it and I got a little hopeful. I immediately got up and walked to the computer room where I found Nathan and told him I thought I was in labor. He asked if I could talk through the contractions and I told him I was currently having one and yes I was talking fine. I then explained to him that we had an hour drive and I was already extremely uncomfortable so if we waited until I couldn't talk through a contraction then I would be hating life and the car. I explained how we needed to get in the car and at least get closer to the birth center. I knew that I would not feel dumb if it was false labor because at least I would have been prepared and somewhat comfortable in the car.

After a few more urgent persuasions towards Nathan he finally was convinced that I might be in labor and finished packing our bags. Our neighbor came and picked up his girl just before we loaded up the car (Nate and I were going to do a date night while he watched Kendrick for us but we let him know that wouldn't be happening). I called Jolene and my midwife and let them know I would be going to the birth center.  After everything was loaded Nathan gave me a blessing that reassured me that my pain and discomfort would only be for a short time and that my body would do what it needed in order to have a safe delivery.

In the car I had Nathan turn on Dave Ramsey. Kendrick always asks for songs but we have brain washed him into thinking Dave is a song so I knew he would be happy. I also knew that by sticking to my normal routine of listening to Dave on our hour drive would help relax me.

I did okay in the car. I don’t remember a single thing about Dave Ramsey but I do remember some of the scenery we passed. Kendrick pointed out the lizard that we passed just before getting on i60. While on i60 he kept whining for chocolate milk and I would try to comfort him in-between contractions by assuring him Auntie Lorna would spoil him with chocolate milk. I also remember asking Nathan to speed many many times. At one point he said he did not feel comfortable going more than 30 over because it was a federal crime. I explained that just about any cop would help escort us to the birth center if he got pulled over so he really just needed to book it. As I was explaining that a cop would assist us we actually passed a cop. I was bugged Nate slowed rather than floored it. We passed another police truck before arriving but my sweet hubby did not get pulled over.

Once we arrived Nate helped me inside where the midwife and her assistants (two of her daughters, Faith and Sarah, who are CNAs and working towards nursing degrees) were waiting for me. They complimented me on my cheery demeanor and skirt while trying to assess whether or not I was in labor. The midwife reassured the girls and me that my eyes were dilated and that meant that I apparently was. They explained to me the couple of steps that they needed to do before they would leave me alone and let me labor.

I kissed Kendrick goodbye and told Nate to grab me some fresh fruit and veggies on his way back. I then walked into the room and got undressed and put on a robe. Then Sarah attempted to monitor the baby’s heart rate during a contraction. I was pretty uncomfortable at this point so they quickly listened with the fetal heart rate monitor and decided to check me first. Faith checked me and I was dilated to a 6 and I think 90% effaced +1 stationed. I then sat on the birthing ball while they hooked me up to a bigger monitor.

Originally they told me that I would have to be hooked up for at least a half hour but because the baby was doing great during a contraction and I was so uncomfortable they only made me do it for a few minutes. I was then allowed to get in the birth tub. At this point Jolene showed up and helped me get all situated. When I got in she asked if she could say a prayer for me. Jolene’s prayer blew me away…
Side story: About a week or so before delivering I read the story of the birth of Jesus. Somewhere in that story it talked about His birth being one of peace and joy. I made a goal that my labor and delivery would be of peace and joy. Those were the two words that I would focus on to get through each contraction.

I did not tell Jolene my goal and her prayer included those two words, peace and joy. I was blown away and was all the more determined to make my labor just that. I did not want to leave any room for self doubt about delivering my baby. This is what my body was meant for and each contraction meant that I was working towards receiving a spirit child from God.

I did not love the water. Apparently even if your water does not break you still leak mucus and blood from the cervix dilating. It grossed me out to see stuff floating in the water.  I was expecting the water to ease the contractions but the exact opposite happened. Within what seemed like only a few minutes my contractions got much more intense. It was difficult to think through them and the baby kept on punching and moving on my rectum so I was so worried I would end up pooping in the water. Jolene was awesome and suggested I get out and try sitting on the toilet. So glad she was observant and so willing to help me.

Nathan arrived just before I got out of the tub (I had to ask him afterwards because I really was oblivious to what was happening at this point). Sitting on the toilet was so much better. I did not ever end up having to poop but it was just a relief to be in a different position. I started to feel a little sick and was worried that if my water broke I would not mentally be able to handle contractions. With Kendrick I felt extremely nauseous and dizzy when he broke my water and I assumed it would be the same way with this baby. My sweet hubby suggested I take my zofran because it takes awhile for it to kick in.

After I took the medication I decided that I needed to try different positions. The only positions that I wanted were to either sit or squat with the birthing ball. Unfortunately someone had stolen the birth centers pump for the ball and it was too flat to get comfortable. I was so bugged I didn't just pack mine. Grr! Without the option to sit on a birthing ball I decided I would sway with my hubby. Nate stood behind me and would hold up my belly during a contraction. I would just beg him to hold it tighter and higher the more intense they got. Finally I got on all fours and just rocked on the floor in the bathroom. Apparently I started moaning because suddenly Faith was very urgent that they move me back to the bedroom so that I did not have my baby in the bathroom.

At this point I just thought everyone was crazy. I thought how ridiculous all women were to go natural when an epidural makes labor so easy. I thought the midwife and her daughters were crazy to think that I would be ready to push when I had basically just gotten to the birth center. I couldn't possibly be ready to push but I also did not want my baby in the bathroom so I obliged and quickly moved into the room.

 I laid down on the bed and they did a another check on the baby’s heart rate. I think they checked the baby’s heart rate every 20-30 minutes throughout my labor but I would tune them out because they were always checking during a contraction. Claudine kept trying to check me but I was lying on my side and lifting my leg would give me a charlie horse. All of the sudden I felt sick and had Jolene grab me a bowl. I threw up 5-6 times and then felt much better. I finally moved onto my back and Claudine checked me quick. I remember her saying I was ready to push if I wanted. There was just one part of my cervix that wasn't dilated but she would help move it. This confused me and I was so worried that would mean I would tear but she encouraged me to just try pushing during the next contraction.

I was having such strong intense contractions that I did not even want to try pushing. Claudine promised me that it would ease the pain of the contraction so I gave it a try. She was completely right! My pain immediately went from a 9 to a 2. It was so wonderful. My water had still not broken and so Claudine was telling me how it was possible I would deliver with my water still intact. Nathan got in position to possibly catch our baby and Jolene was at my side helping me to stay focused during the contraction.  I pushed a few more times and then my water burst all over Claudine. It made me laugh and gave me the confidence to push my baby out.

Moments later my baby boy was born. The excitement of being told I had a boy cannot be explained. I was grinning uncontrollably (I still am). With my boy on my chest I just kept thanking him for the fast labor and delivery and telling him how excited I was to meet him. I must have told everyone in the room a dozen times how happy I was to have another boy. I delivered the placenta shortly afterward with just one push and then I was cleaned up and left with Jolene, my hubby, and our fresh new baby boy.

The best part about the birth center is that you can go home 2 hours after delivery if everything goes well. I had only bled 100cc’s and so I really was feeling great. It took a little convincing to want to get out of bed but once I was up I felt wonderful. We took lots of pictures and I just nursed my boy and loved every minute. I was anxious for Kendrick to meet his brother so we aimed to leave at the two hour mark and did just that.

Let me try and somehow break down time.
                3:50-4:00 pm I had my first strong contraction
                5:00 pm arrived at the birth center
                5:30 Nate came back from dropping off Kendrick at my Aunt’s house
                6:50 pm baby boy was born
                9:00 pm left to my Aunt’s house to introduce Kendrick to his new baby brother.

I only had about 20 really intense and painful contractions. It started with a couple in the birthing tub and then each spot I moved to I would only stay in for 2-3 contractions. So the story seems long but in reality it all happened so fast. It was hard to mentally grasp that I had just had a baby when we were going home.

After having a special moment at my Aunt’s house with the new baby we started to head home. I finally had some time to eat the fruit and veggies my hubby had bought and we stopped at Wendy’s for him to grab a bite to eat too. He was going to get something to eat after dropping Kendrick off but he thought I might deliver fast and so he selflessly hurried to my aid rather than eating. It was such a beautiful thing to be driving home with our two boys sleeping in the back seat and us just reminiscing about the last few hours.

This is the birth story of my 2nd son, Garrett. He is as perfect as his birth story and I had to be detailed because every detail is a blessing that I never want to forget. His name came a few days later and that story will have to be told at another time because I need some sleep. J

Random awesome facts:
Nathan asked Claudine if we needed to bathe the baby before we left for home. She told us about a study that was done where the babies nurse better when they are not bathed immediately after delivery. When I delivered Kendrick I remember the nurse telling me that I had to give my baby a bath or he would get cold from the vernix being left on.  THIS WAS A LIE! We still have not fully bathed Garrett and his temperature has been perfectly normal. Oh and let me tell you a secret. His smell is the best thing I have ever smelled in my entire life. The first couple days I would smell him any chance I got because he smelled so sweet. I have read that mother’s could smell their own babies if blindfolded and handed different babies but I did not believe it until now. It totally makes sense. His smell is better than any other smell on earth… So ya rethink bath time for newborns because you just might miss out on the best smell in the world.

Garrett nurses extremely well. I truly believe that going natural made him a stronger sucker. My uterus is almost non-existent on the outside because his nursing has contracted my uterus so well.
I don’t know if this is necessarily related to going natural or not but I have almost no bleeding. The placenta was on the smaller side so my light bleeding might just be from that open wound healing fast.

I was told that the baby likes to look at the placenta while in the womb. This was true for both Kendrick and Garrett. My placenta was in front with Kendrick and I delivered him posterior. With Garrett my placenta was on my back and he was anterior. 

I didn't tear!! Not even a little! This is still amazing to me. Faith was telling me that I delivered the baby on the right (I think) where you deliver the head and then the baby turns to the right. Usually the baby turns to the left and it is easier to deliver so the fact that I had no tearing was amazing to them too.  I think there are many reasons that I didn't tear with the following being my own opinion as to why:
1.       My water didn't break until right before delivery. That may have acted as a lubricant right before I had to push.
2.       Sex
3.       I went walking 1-2x every day. I think it helped my body prep for labor.
4.       Perineum massages
5.       Claudine helped guide the baby out and did not just have me forcefully push before I was ready. Garrett’s shoulders did get a little stuck and I was prompted to push hard and fast to get him out but I still felt in control.
6.       The last month or so I sat on nothing but a birthing ball if I was home. I wanted the baby to sit on my cervix as much as possible. I would also sit in lots of low squats.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Week 38

How far along? 38 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss? I have actually lost a little bit of weight. Oddly enough I was my highest weight when I was sick.
Maternity clothes? I rotate between a few outfits. Mostly they are dresses which I'm not a fan of but at least I have something comfortable to wear and still look decent.
Stretch marks? I have a few on my belly. Boo! They aren't bright red yet but they are slowly forming. I need to take on my nieces philosophy and know that they are a pretty picture that the baby is drawing on me.
Sleep? I wake up about once a night. I think it is more out of excitement than anything else. It is my time to think of only the baby and what life will be like when he/she comes.
Best moment(s) this week? Having Kendrick talk to the baby telling it that it needs to come out so that he can snuggle and play with it... hope that memory never leaves my mind. We have also been giving 100% of our attention to the Mister. Last night we let him stay up an hour past bed time because we were all playing ball together and it was too fun to be responsible. I know Kendrick will do great with a sibling but I also want him to know that he is so important to us.
Miss Anything? My core. I am still mobile and can get up fairly easily but I'm used to doing it a bit faster. Sometimes I feel like I am going in slow mode.
Movement? I am fairly certain we will have to switch this baby from nights to day. This baby gets so active at night and rarely moves throughout the day.
Food cravings? Twix. I have no idea why but the past week they have sounded so good.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Occasionally I get punched or kicked by the baby that makes me queasy.
Have you started to show yet? Strangers are not afraid to approach me and give me an opinion about Kendrick, gender, and my belly. Yes I have a baby bump!
Gender? Okay I am back to guessing boy. I have just had too many boy dreams this pregnancy and not a single girl one so I am going to take that as my motherly sign and stick to boy. Other than in my dreams I really have no idea. I am having a harder time waiting to find out. I am so excited to know and hold the little mover in me.
Labor Signs? At 36 weeks I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced. The midwife usually only checks on your due date but I had to have a test done that required me to get undressed so she asked if I wanted to be checked. I was so thrilled to find out that my body was changing and getting ready for the baby but now I am even more anxious to deliver a little early. How do people go past their due date? Seriously?! I also have contractions regularly. Unless they are painful or my water breaks I will be ignoring them because the whole 2 min apart happens all the time.
Belly Button in or out? Stretched out.
Wedding ring on or off? Off. I go walking 1-2x a day and my fingers sometimes swell during that time. I finally took it off so I wouldn't loose it but I think it would fit most of the time.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy but I have had a couple emotional days which have taken me by surprise.
Looking forward to? Having the baby. I got a recliner chair at a garage sale 2 weeks ago. I only need a tiny newborn to snuggle and rock in it. Kendrick has been a good substitute and we even took a nap together in it but it was hard to get comfortable with him squishing the baby into me.

The akward triangle belly when I lean back. 

Attempted to show a contraction but it was towards the end so it wasn't as hard. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A little bit of everything!

 Here are some hidden gems that I came across on my camera. I don't take enough pictures but it is rough summary of what happened this summer.

Kendrick is lying in the middle of the walkway at the Manti pageant. 

Manti Temple

Hill Aerospace museum

Oatmeal bath... nearing the end of a 2 1/2 week sickness. 


Morning buddies!

Music Museum. 

Sea of Life Aquarium

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 35

How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss? My scale is about 5lbs different than the midwifes so I never feel like I really know.
Maternity clothes? I'm down to only a few outfits. I don't want to buy more clothes but some of my maternity shirts are too short so I feel limited.
Stretch marks? I think if the baby drops soon then I will only have the 1. If not I'd imagine that I will get more this pregnancy. I feel much bigger just because Kendrick dropped during my 33rd/34th week and this baby is still fairly high.
Sleep? Oh how I love sleep. I'm get so sick if I stay up late and I'm a bit nervous about having another newborn.
Best moment(s) this week? Nate has worked a lot the last few weeks so Kendrick and I have been doing some fun activities. We went to an aquarium and boating with family. It was a blast and we have many more fun things planned before #2 comes.
Miss Anything? Having Kendrick sit on my lap comfortably. I get more Braxton hicks when I hold Kendrick and it makes it all the harder to get comfortable.
Movement? Now all kicks are on my right side.
Food cravings? Nope. Anything healthy and readily available usually sounds best.
Anything making you queasy or sick? The idea of going past my due date. I have a whole new respect for women who go 42 weeks. I am just so ready for this baby and yet I still have another week before I am even full term. Sheesh.
Have you started to show yet? Yes I get asked daily when I'm due and if I'm having a boy or girl.
Gender? I am going to make up my mind and say girl. It just makes sense that I would have a girl that is due on my great Grandmother's B-day. Nate has stayed firm with thinking boy. We are debating on letting each other pick the name of the gender that is born that we were guessing. So Nate would get to pick the final boy name and I would get the final girl name. It might be the only way I get Kalina but it makes me a tad nervous to get a boy name I dislike if we don't have a girl.
Labor Signs? My midwife thinks I will have around a 8 hour labor. If I have consistent contractions 2 min apart for a half an hour than she wants me to go in.
Belly Button in or out? Mostly out
Wedding ring on or off? On but the last day or so my fingers have swelled a little.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy but anxiously awaiting a little Crow.
Looking forward to? Going outside all the time. The weather is still fairly hot but I'm not going to let that scare me. Kendrick and I are going to be outside fans for the next few weeks. Long walks, bike rides, and swimming are a must. I realized with boating that Kendrick LOVES the great outdoors and I really need to stop being a chicken with the heat and spoil him galore. Swimming especially makes me nervous with 2 kids so we have to live it up now.

I love this one of Kendrick!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Splash Pad

All the pictures below are from my fabulous SIL. She is a great photographer and all the pictures are straight from her camera without any editing. 

A splash pad somewhat near us opened this summer. We have had to take full advantage of it and go often. Luckily my SIL loves it too so that I have not had to go alone. In fact the last time we went I totally fell asleep in the shade while she and Nate played with the kiddos. 
This is day 7 of not washing my hair. Gross I know!

Can a girl be any more stylish and beautiful?


Summer love.

Big blue eyes. 

Snacking on Oreos 


Nate probably should have rethought his shirt selection. 

My boy loves snuggles when he is wrapped in a towel. It is always a reminder that he is still my baby and I love that I get to cradle him as if he were small.