Friday, November 7, 2014

Boys! Life! Crows!

I absolutely love that I get to say boys and not just boy. It brings a new smile to my face every time. Life at the Crow house has been nothing short of euphoric. Somehow having a new baby in the home puts me at my happiest. I am constantly reminded of my blessings and can not seem to adequately express thanks for them.

Happenings in the Crow house:

Muchacho is currently at a video game convention. Something I will never ever completely understand but I have learned to support. This has been one of our biggest battles in marriage for me to get to where I could be okay with video games. It took me playing with him many nights a week and reading lots of self help books to get to where I love him more for it. It is just a part of who he is. He is fairly well at balancing playing and where some guys like sports or television my hubby likes video games and that is a okay. Video games are his down time and have become a big part of my down time too. Who would have thunk?
If I could highlight Nate's best quality in life I would say he is the most outstanding Daddy. He loves my boys as much as I do and takes care of them in the same manner. I have had many YW responsibilities to attend to this past month and Nathan has watched both boys almost effortlessly (at least he makes it look that way). I never have to check in on him and my mamma heart doesn't even worry an ounce when I am away. Nate has the Daddy thing down and I can't help but love him more for it.

I have been loving YW. It has been the biggest stretch spiritually for me sense seminary. I was released from 2nd councilor and placed as secretary a few months back and it has been an interesting transition. I was sad for the change but now that time has passed I can see why it needed to happen. I have a lot to learn but have a firm testimony that without my Savior there is just no way I could do the calling by myself. Although I miss getting to know my beehives I love the opportunity I have to get to know all they YW.
I just finished my first book sense being pregnant. I did still read but I could never just devour a book in a few days because sleepiness always seemed to take over. I was much more likely to be found sleeping instead of reading and now I can say that is flipped. I am so excited to get caught up in another writers hear. If anyone has some book suggestions please pass them my way (I don't read romance or anything with violence, murder, etc).

Kendrick is my amazer. He always seems to put a smile on my face and a quick step to my pace. He has mastered the pedal bike. He has a difficult time starting and stopping but he can go on family bike rides now and keep up just fine. I am just stunned at his determination to figure things out. Today I almost choked from laughing so hard at a conversation he had with his cousin William.
Kendrick: William don't touch that!
William: (Steps away from Garrett's baby swing and starts walking toward Kenny)
Kendrick: Thaaank Yoou! (In his most motherly voice I have ever heard) Now come outside.

Kendrick has also discovered that he likes to pray. Even though he has been talking for almost a year he would always go silent if we asked him to pray. Then a few month back he would add in a few words to our prayers. Shortly after Garrett was born he decided he would pray on his own. Here are a few examples of how his prayers have evolved:

Kendrick say it! Jesus Christ amen.

Kendrick say it! Thank you Daddy! Jesus Christ amen.

Kendrick say it! Thank you Daddy. Thank you Momma. Thank you brother Garrett. Jesus Christ amen.

Kendrick say it! Father. Thank you (whatever he sees in his surrounding) Jesus Christ amen.

He got extremely cleaver one night and prayed that he could watch his police car show. Unfortunately it is a prayer that has still not come true because that show has been banned from our house. It is a cartoon show on Netflix that is more annoying than Sponge Bob and his Momma is mean and will not allow him to watch such lame cartoons. I do feel slightly guilty though because his prayer was so sincere.

That leaves Garrett. Lets put it this way... he is such a perfect fit for our family that I am already wanting another baby (which is huge because 2 was kind of my number on how many kids I wanted). I am just so in love with his cuteness that even though I am soaking up every moment possible it is still happening all too fast. He is just a perfect fit for our family and I feel like he has been here forever and not just 5 short weeks. He is so content, happy, and a wonderful sleeper. He does get gassy often but instead of crying he just squirms and has a sad little scrunched face that tells me about his tummy troubles.

Having a newborn and toddler is something I worried about for years. I stressed about it before I even had Kendrick. I made myself sick many times with the constant worry. I have to say that my worry was over nothing. Having 2 kids has been the most rewarding and fulfilling part of my life. My days are busy and yet I think that is contributing to my overall happiness. I love having more to do than there is time in the day for. My time is constantly used with family and I wouldn't want it any other way. All through my pregnancy  I worked EXTREMELY hard to create order and balance in my life and all it took was having Garrett. He creates the balance I had been searching for by forcing me to concentrate on food and water (so I can nurse), scriptures, and my family. Everything else has just slipped away and I don't miss it.

Blogging is no longer on my list of importance. I am hoping that writing here will make it back on for journal purposes but I have loved not getting on the computer (except to play with Nate). Whoever made it this far down the page congrats! I may or may not write again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I loved this post so much. You are so good at putting your thoughts into words. I love reading your posts mel!! :) Reading this makes me miss you a whole bunch. I hope our little guys will get to meet and be friends one day. And those sweet, sweet prayers! I love that so much!
