Thursday, January 19, 2012

Random Facts

*Kendrick loves tummy time as long as he gets a binky.
*I never knew I could be so happy being a mom!
*I am already below my pre-pregnancy weight, but I feel like I'm in someone elses body.
*Everyone told me I would be starving while I breastfeed... I have to remind myself to eat and then actually force myself to eat because I am very rarely hungry.
*Kendrick eats every 4 hours almost on the dot. He is a very scheduled eater and I can hardly believe it when I look at the clock and it is exactly noon, 4, 8, etc. He then will eat for exactly 10 minutes before needing to be changed and then eat for 10 more minutes.
*My most favorite thing about Kendrick is that he sleeps just like his daddy. (Will post pictures soon)
*Kendrick really only cries when he has to have his bum wiped.
*I feel like I have super powers because I can hear Kendrick stirring before he fully wakes up.. this has helped with nighttime feedings so that I can get him up before he ever fully starts fully crying.
*It is extremely difficult to get Kendrick to open his eyes if he doesn't want to. He doesn't fall asleep eating until he is done, but trying to get him to be awake for anything else is almost impossible. 
*Most of the umbilical cord fell off Jan 12th but there is still a tiny dot left.
*Kendrick can burp, fart, and poop like a man.
*Kendrick is so good at holding up his head that during tummy time I always get nervous that he is going to flip over.
*Smiles come so random that I smile every time he does. His smile starts off as a half smile and then turns into a full grin. He will usually smile a couple of times right in a row.
*Kendrick HATES the light. He squints and covers his eyes with his hands any time it is even slightly bright in the room.
*I think Kendrick would be a thumb sucker if we would let him. I always dress him in outfits that have the hand flap that closes but he sucks on the cloth almost any chance he gets.
*My back will sometimes still go numb for no apparent reason. I was convinced it was because Kendrick was sitting on a nerve but now that he is here I don't know why my back gets tingly.
*I don't think Kendrick will be very picky, he will already switch between different bottles, nipple, and Binky.
*I didn't know I could love a little person so so much.

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