Friday, January 6, 2012

Week 37

This week has been the only week in pregnancy that I have not enjoyed. I am just too excited for my little man to come and after having different midwifes predict that Kendrick would come early it is disappointing that he hasn't. I am glad that he will be bigger but bummed that I can't hold him now.

Kendrick is currently sitting on a nerve on my back that shoots pain down my leg every time I walk. It has been super painful with each passing day. I'm not big, swollen, or even sick of being pregnant... but I am sick of my back hurting 24/7.

At my check-up this week I was told that I could be induced next Friday if I wanted. There is a scale that they go off of to know if it would be safe to induce and once you reach a 10 on that scale then they will let you go whenever. I am currently a 8 and the only way to be a 10 is to be 39 weeks along so once I hit 39 weeks my midwife said I should be able to be induced if I would like. If I can get my little man to move off my nerve than I wouldn't mind waiting until the 21st but if he stays where he is I think I will try and be induced asap. We shall see though. I am still hoping that he will come soon, and when he is ready.

This week has been my first week without work or school making the waiting game extremely hard. Nathan and I have spent the whole week doing things that we won't get to do after the baby comes and I have loved every moment but It has still made the waiting hard. I'm thinking that next time I won't be so prepared that way I will still have things to do the last few weeks. I'm running out of ideas fast because I have had things done for months and now I just need the baby in order to keep on going.

Anyone want to make predictions on when Kendrick will arrive? How much he will weigh, his length, hair, etc??

1 comment:

  1. Just as long as he comes before Cailin. Her boyfriend needs to be older than her. But I'm sure they will still get along no matter who is older. Haha. So does this mean that you'll be coming to my baby shower tomorrow?
