Monday, September 29, 2014

Week 38

How far along? 38 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss? I have actually lost a little bit of weight. Oddly enough I was my highest weight when I was sick.
Maternity clothes? I rotate between a few outfits. Mostly they are dresses which I'm not a fan of but at least I have something comfortable to wear and still look decent.
Stretch marks? I have a few on my belly. Boo! They aren't bright red yet but they are slowly forming. I need to take on my nieces philosophy and know that they are a pretty picture that the baby is drawing on me.
Sleep? I wake up about once a night. I think it is more out of excitement than anything else. It is my time to think of only the baby and what life will be like when he/she comes.
Best moment(s) this week? Having Kendrick talk to the baby telling it that it needs to come out so that he can snuggle and play with it... hope that memory never leaves my mind. We have also been giving 100% of our attention to the Mister. Last night we let him stay up an hour past bed time because we were all playing ball together and it was too fun to be responsible. I know Kendrick will do great with a sibling but I also want him to know that he is so important to us.
Miss Anything? My core. I am still mobile and can get up fairly easily but I'm used to doing it a bit faster. Sometimes I feel like I am going in slow mode.
Movement? I am fairly certain we will have to switch this baby from nights to day. This baby gets so active at night and rarely moves throughout the day.
Food cravings? Twix. I have no idea why but the past week they have sounded so good.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Occasionally I get punched or kicked by the baby that makes me queasy.
Have you started to show yet? Strangers are not afraid to approach me and give me an opinion about Kendrick, gender, and my belly. Yes I have a baby bump!
Gender? Okay I am back to guessing boy. I have just had too many boy dreams this pregnancy and not a single girl one so I am going to take that as my motherly sign and stick to boy. Other than in my dreams I really have no idea. I am having a harder time waiting to find out. I am so excited to know and hold the little mover in me.
Labor Signs? At 36 weeks I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced. The midwife usually only checks on your due date but I had to have a test done that required me to get undressed so she asked if I wanted to be checked. I was so thrilled to find out that my body was changing and getting ready for the baby but now I am even more anxious to deliver a little early. How do people go past their due date? Seriously?! I also have contractions regularly. Unless they are painful or my water breaks I will be ignoring them because the whole 2 min apart happens all the time.
Belly Button in or out? Stretched out.
Wedding ring on or off? Off. I go walking 1-2x a day and my fingers sometimes swell during that time. I finally took it off so I wouldn't loose it but I think it would fit most of the time.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy but I have had a couple emotional days which have taken me by surprise.
Looking forward to? Having the baby. I got a recliner chair at a garage sale 2 weeks ago. I only need a tiny newborn to snuggle and rock in it. Kendrick has been a good substitute and we even took a nap together in it but it was hard to get comfortable with him squishing the baby into me.

The akward triangle belly when I lean back. 

Attempted to show a contraction but it was towards the end so it wasn't as hard. 


  1. You look darling!!! i am so excited for you and your cute family!

  2. Love the triangle belly pic from above! That's great! I am definitely taking one of those pics my next pregnancy because it is so funny. I wish you luck as you's getting so close! Can't wait to see what Baby Crow is...I'm kind of thinking a girl. Love and miss you guys! Keep us updated.
