Sunday, September 7, 2014

Week 35

How far along? 35 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss? My scale is about 5lbs different than the midwifes so I never feel like I really know.
Maternity clothes? I'm down to only a few outfits. I don't want to buy more clothes but some of my maternity shirts are too short so I feel limited.
Stretch marks? I think if the baby drops soon then I will only have the 1. If not I'd imagine that I will get more this pregnancy. I feel much bigger just because Kendrick dropped during my 33rd/34th week and this baby is still fairly high.
Sleep? Oh how I love sleep. I'm get so sick if I stay up late and I'm a bit nervous about having another newborn.
Best moment(s) this week? Nate has worked a lot the last few weeks so Kendrick and I have been doing some fun activities. We went to an aquarium and boating with family. It was a blast and we have many more fun things planned before #2 comes.
Miss Anything? Having Kendrick sit on my lap comfortably. I get more Braxton hicks when I hold Kendrick and it makes it all the harder to get comfortable.
Movement? Now all kicks are on my right side.
Food cravings? Nope. Anything healthy and readily available usually sounds best.
Anything making you queasy or sick? The idea of going past my due date. I have a whole new respect for women who go 42 weeks. I am just so ready for this baby and yet I still have another week before I am even full term. Sheesh.
Have you started to show yet? Yes I get asked daily when I'm due and if I'm having a boy or girl.
Gender? I am going to make up my mind and say girl. It just makes sense that I would have a girl that is due on my great Grandmother's B-day. Nate has stayed firm with thinking boy. We are debating on letting each other pick the name of the gender that is born that we were guessing. So Nate would get to pick the final boy name and I would get the final girl name. It might be the only way I get Kalina but it makes me a tad nervous to get a boy name I dislike if we don't have a girl.
Labor Signs? My midwife thinks I will have around a 8 hour labor. If I have consistent contractions 2 min apart for a half an hour than she wants me to go in.
Belly Button in or out? Mostly out
Wedding ring on or off? On but the last day or so my fingers have swelled a little.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy but anxiously awaiting a little Crow.
Looking forward to? Going outside all the time. The weather is still fairly hot but I'm not going to let that scare me. Kendrick and I are going to be outside fans for the next few weeks. Long walks, bike rides, and swimming are a must. I realized with boating that Kendrick LOVES the great outdoors and I really need to stop being a chicken with the heat and spoil him galore. Swimming especially makes me nervous with 2 kids so we have to live it up now.

I love this one of Kendrick!


  1. I laughed at you being worried about the boy name Nathan would pick out for your baby if it was only his choice. I would be nervous if it was up to my Nathan too! As for my guess, I'm thinking that you'll have a girl. Can't wait to see what the gender is soon!

  2. Cutest preto person ever!!! So fun to see pics of your cute baby bump. I'm totally guessing girl... Love the name:)

  3. I am so excited it's getting so close!! You look beautiful!!!
