Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week 28

This week has been full of appointments and guessing games. I have been scared to eat many foods because I didn’t want my stomach to hurt again. I am eating a bland diet while trying to gain weight and it isn’t easy. Before last Friday I would eat just about anything that sounded good and now almost NOTHING sounds good. I just have to start cooking something and hope that I’m in the mood by the time it is done cooking (which usually I am : ) ).

I wish that I had something significant for this week to mention but it seems like a basic week. I still have braxton hicks/ contractions a lot of the time but I’m not too worried about it. I think that they are sporadic enough that unless I start dilating I won’t be going into labor anytime soon.  In fact night time is when they come on strong and often so I’m going to make a prediction now that when I do go into active labor it will be at night.

I almost forgot to mention that I started the Hypnobirthing classes this week. I am really excited about incorporating it into my everyday life. The instructor did a guided hypnosis at the end and I am pretty sure Nathan fell completely asleep, but I’m thankful for his support anyway. I think that it is going to be a good method of birthing for us.




1 comment:

  1. Hey, you you're prego!!! So cute I love seeing pics and we have to keep skyping for sure!! I am excited to hear how your classes go it sounds very interesting.
