Friday, November 18, 2011

Week 30

This week Kendrick has really been a kicker. He is constantly on the move and making me smile. His little foot is either in the triangle between my ribs or kicking my right rib. It is fun to feel his limbs but I wish that I could feel them somewhere other than my rib. I don't think he has kicked my left side ribs once and I find that a little odd. He must have found his comfort spot and isn't willing to give it up :)

I felt hiccups for the first time this week. My sister-in-law explained what it should feel like and then I was finally able to notice. Thinking back on it I don't think that Kendrick has had them very often but I look forward to paying closer attention now that I know what it feels like.

So I have been adding some sugar back into my diet. I am trying really really hard not to get carried away with it. I am working on just enjoying one treat a day. I went to a midwife appointment and I had lost weight and I really don't know how to gain without the yummy sugar. My goal is to just be careful about not getting carried away through the holiday season but hopefully I will be able to enjoy a treat here or there. I may just work on increasing my protein as much as possible rather than go down the sugar route, but we will have to see what my body and Kendrick like more : )

Only 9 more week until I get to meet the little person growing in me.. So excited.

p.s. The Hypnobirthing classes have been going great! Yesterday we talked about fears and I think that a small baby is my fear. The only baby dreams I have are of Kendrick coming early (Tuesday Nov 22 to be exact). I think I have dreams of Kendrick coming early because I'm scared of him being small. I just need to get past my fear of having a tiny baby because even if Kendrick does come on his due date I know that an 8 pound baby is tiny and that freaks me out. I still just can't believe that I am going to be a mom. Being responsible for a tiny person is really a big step in life and I hope that I can handle this step in my life.

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