Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sleeping (Some details might be the same as other months)

I love talking about Kendrick's sleeping patterns because he always has so much personality when it comes to sleeping. He has to have things just the right way. He will toss and turn until he is in the most comfortable position. All I have to do is give him his blanket and binky and he does the rest. 

The room is rarely dark enough for him so usually the blanket goes straight to the eyes to make it darker. Then he kicks, kicks, kicks and spreads out the rest of the blanket before he turns on his side and conks out. If he is still too hyper to sleep he will kick the bars and rotate around until he gets more tired. He is always the calmest in his crib. In fact if he is ever throwing a tantrum I usually put him in his crib because he will almost always calm down and fall asleep (even if he just woke up). Sometimes I just don't see how he could possibly still be sleepy but he sure knows how to communicate that he wants sleep. 

I am no longer scared of him suffocating from a blanket. He puts the blanket to his face so often that it would be unavoidable.

Sometimes before I go to bed I can hear him jabbering, laughing, and kicking just a little and I know he is having happy dreams. Occasionally I will rub his little cheeks and get a little grin out of him. I just think he is adorable and I don't want to forget the cute little things that make him unique.

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