Monday, August 12, 2013

4 years and a Utah trip

I did not take pictures of my amazing weekend but I wanted to write a post about it for my own memory. 

My sister called me on Thursday and talked me into visiting Utah so that we could surprise my mom and she could drive back with me to visit AZ. It was not hard to convince me to want to come but hard to have the faith that our Bondo Buggy (car nickname) would make it. After praying lots and lots and lots I knew that I just couldn't let fear keep me from going.

It was a short and sweet weekend seeing as much family as possible in the short amount of time. I am sure that there were feelings hurt for all the people that we couldn't see but new memories were made with the ones we could. Kendrick was a gem once again. He has cut 7 teeth in the past month and is still in the process of cutting a few more. I guess his teeth are trying to play catch up for all the months he didn't cut teeth. 

Our car held up like a champ. On the way to Utah it hit the 200,000 mark. I seem to love it more and more. Even with getting more ghetto it just keeps on proving itself to be amazing. I get kind of sad knowing that it will not last forever and we will probably have to replace it sometime soon. For now we will just run it into the ground and be amazed at its ability to not die on us. 

While I was gone we had our 4 year anniversary. Luckily we were able to celebrate it before with dinner and rollerblading. It was hard to be away on such a special day but nice to drive through Utah and remember where those 4 years of memories were made. The best part about hitting the 4 year mark is that it gets me excited about the 5 year anniversary without feeling like we really are that old. I look forward to forever and it is hard to imagine when Nathan did not exist in my world.

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