Friday, August 16, 2013

A weekend worth remembering

It was so fun to have my sister, Tine here. I am convinced my life would be complete if she decided to move to AZ permanently. :) We had a great time just chilling for the week but the weekend was our party time. On Friday we decided to do our once a year movie trip. This is where we plan for months what movie we want to see and then go see it. We usually plan it around Nate's B-day so we know what movies will be out during that time but this year we were a little late getting to it.

We were debating between Planes, Monsters University, and Despicable Me. This year we wanted our movie trip to include Kendrick's first time to the theater so we were trying to choose a movie he'd like. We ultimately decided on MU because of the G rating and time of show. Lucky enough for us we were able to make it to the Matinee lol :)

Kendrick loved it overall. He sat so still on Daddy's lap and was so excited to see thing moving. It was only the last 10 min that he started to get restless. It was so fun to see his curiosity and excitement for the big screen. I am already getting excited to take him again sometime.

On Saturday we went boating with my Auntie and Uncle. It was a blast. I felt like we were just hanging out with our bf's. The water was perfect because it had cold spots but it wasn't like Utah where you can't swim without freezing. We found a secluded place and tied the boat down and went swimming for a few hours.

In addition to boating they had a floating couch (don't know the real name) that they pulled behind the boat. It was a blast. Kendrick was a perfect little guy. He was the most mellow I have ever seen him for so long. He was in his zone (outside). He even took a nap on Daddy. I did get sea sick but other than that I'd say it was the most perfect day anyone could ask for. It was a first for us as a couple and Kendrick's first time on a boat and lake. I don't ever want to forget the perfect day.

P.s. It isn't that we only go to movies once a year but we only pay full price once a year. They are too pricey for our liking so we wait to watch them until they are cheap cheap cheap. We used to do the dollar theater and Redbox but we kind of went on a Redbox strike when they went up .20 cents and just haven't watched any new movies.

2nd p.s. So I promised pictures but after spending over a week trying to figure out how to get on here I finally decided it wasn't worth it. Sorry guys. I miss them too :(

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