Monday, August 5, 2013

Missing and Enjoying Daddy

With Nathan's new schedule he is either working or home for 4 days during the weekend. It will change soon but for now we switch off from never seeing Daddy to seeing him 24/7. It has been hard for me to adjust to him gone. In fact I'm trying to work on my attitude about it because I just down right hate it. When he is home it is wonderful and I love seeing the relationship that he and Kendrick have.

I have been teaching Kendrick to say Mommy when he wants to get out of his crib. It only took me about a day of standing outside his door and saying "say Mama" before he caught on quick. If he wakes up crying I usually know that he is still too sleepy to get up for good. It is only when he says my name that I know he is serious about getting up (Kendrick wakes up and then snoozes about 90% of the time).

I had Nate try to teach him to say Dada in hopes that Kendrick would learn that he could pick which one of us to come get him. It only took one time of saying "say Dada" before Kendrick was repeating it. It melts my heart seeing the relationship that they have together. Nathan has exceeded the Dad that I dreamed about having for my kids. He is wonderful.

Kendrick still defaults to Mama but I know that when he figures out that whomever he says will come, I just might be replaced. I love that he is in such a teachable stage. I love that Nathan is so willing to teach him the world and show him that happiness can be found everywhere. With Nathan as his role model I know Kendrick will grow up to be outstanding.


  1. Mel, I'm so glad your blogging!! You are such a talented writer. I'm so glad nates job is going well and you are loving AZ.

