Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kendrick is Growing

In my attempt to enjoy and document every stage of Kendrick's growth I feel like I'm always in a losing battle. I truly wish to pause time and enjoy everything my little boy has to dish out. It seems like anytime I get comfortable with a stage he develops new skills that advances him and leaves me having to learn new mommy skills to keep up. I love the learning but am continually amazed at the fast pace that it comes. 

It has been awhile sense posting about my little man and he is maturing so quickly that if I don't keep up with his developments now I will have too much to write. (Already feel like I do).

Let’s start with speech. Kenny can talk (when he wants). He is turning into quite the conversationalist. He will mimic just about any word we throw at him, if he is in the mood. Most of them still sound like Car with a Boston accent (cah) but as his mother I can hear the difference in the words as he tries his best make all different sounds. My favorite is when he is overly tired in the car he will typically start to babble with giggles in-between each word. I also love it when he says a word perfectly clear… and then never says it again. He has done this with awesome, love, Tine, and a few other words (pretty funny).

We have moved on from baby games to kid games. He can go down slides at the park, play peek-a-boo, tag, hide and seek, cars, bounce balls back and forth, etc. My baby is no longer a baby and it is bitter sweet for me. I love the newborn stage but I’m finding that this stage is pretty great too (possibly better?).

The newest development is that he listens. If he gets put in time out he knows he can’t get off the chair. He will pick up toys and throw things away (still working on teaching him acceptable things to toss in the trash). He will hold my hand and look for a ball that is lost because I told him I’d look for it and he makes sure I hold to that promise. If I tell him to get Daddy he happily runs out of the room saying DaDeeee DaDeeee DaDeeee.

Basically Kendrick is growing and it is amazing. Has cut 8 teeth in less than 2 months and has developed so much that I feel like I left Utah with a baby and arrived in AZ with a kid. I’m still adjusting to this whole mommyhood thing but love that I have the most active, happy, bubbly boy to teach me how it works. 

"Faster Mommy!"

"Thumbs up this awesome ride but stink face for stopping to take a picture." 

"Ma this box car needs a comfortable seat right here."

1 comment:

  1. Haha love the "thumbs up, stinky face" pic. Also I need to hear him say Tine!! Man he's cute!
