Friday, September 6, 2013

Kendrick Quirks

So there are a few items that I may have mentioned already but I really don't want to forget them about my Mister. 

1. He can whisper some words perfectly. The words are crystal clear but he has never ever once said them louder than a whisper. The most common words are yogurt, cracker, and cookie. I don't understand his need for whispering but it cracks me up each time.

2. He pushes his limit while in time out and hangs off his chair the whole minute. He will get inches away from the ground without actually getting off his chair. He knows that if he gets down more time will be added so he gets as close to the floor as possible without touching. If he happens to touch and we see it he will pull himself back up immediately and act like he was there the whole time. Just look at these pictures to get a better idea of what I mean. 

3. He has a certain cry for water. He typically goes into panic mode when he gets thirsty and will not function until water is consumed. It is hard to be annoyed because at least I know that his most basic need is being met.

4. His binky and blanket are a combo deal. If he can't have them both than he will not take the other. I am hopeful that we can somehow teach him that his blanket can be snuggled without a binky. 

5. I have taught him the word eyes and have been using it to help him understand that he needs to look at my eyes when I am talking. He is so stubborn that sometime even when I force his head to look at me he will not make eye contact. It drives me nuts but also reminds me that he is his own little person making his own choices it is his way of not wanting to communicate at that moment. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I love his timeout pics. Timeout sometimes can be so frustrating but so hilarious! :)
