Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bondo Buggy no more

This week has been a roller coaster of events. I think it has been evenly balanced with good and bad. I'll list the bad first and end with the good. Our Bondo buggy car died on Tuesday, our dryer will sometimes work for 10 min, and our brand new fridge needs maintenance.

While we were driving back from running errands we were talking about our car possibly dying in the future and what we would do. Well it must have felt the negative vibe we were giving off and decided to just quit on us. It was a sad day. It has been a nightmare trying to figure out how to get around without a car. We have have spent a lot of time on the internet without being able to come up with any immediate solutions... and not be able to rent a car due to me being too young with no credit card (without paying ridiculous amounts).

The dryer has been having issues sense August but we just put up a line outside and put off worrying about it. It had been drying our clothes enough that they weren't crispy until this week. Stiff towels to exfoliate the skin after showing are not ideal. We will probably keep delaying buying a new one so if our clothes look extra stiff and wrinkled please no judgments.

The fridge is special. It must have been calibrated wrong. The freezer is too cold and the buttons are flipped (warmer = colder). The fridge doesn't get cold enough. Our milk never seems to have that refreshing taste to it and things tend to mold before their expiration dates. On the bright side we have no car to get food with so I guess this one isn't that big of a deal.

Now for the good news. I was wrong about the news being balanced. I have WAY more good news than bad.

*I ran into my friend from Snow College on Sunday at my MIL's ward. Still feeling pretty excited about that.
*My amazing hubby let me sleep all day Monday to make up for all the sleepless/ nightmare nights in Utah. Woot Woot!
*We have incredibly nice neighbors and friends that have helped us with all our car issues. We owe them big time.
*My friend and old roommate had her baby on Tuesday. Couldn't be happier for her and her hubby!
*Kendrick hit a new record of sleeping 18.5 hours last night and Nate and I were able to do some serious car research.
*Kendrick is mimicking all words I say. The only word that he says often and is still a mystery on the meaning sounds like California.
*Kendrick and I leave for Washington in 2 weeks and Kendrick has been a gem flyer thanks to his love for airplanes.
*Nate and I have been having so much fun planning out our future. While car hunting is not ideal without a car it still is fun to have all options open and experience a new step in life. We have so many decisions to make in the next few months and it is so fun to dream and try to make them

I have many things that I am excited to blog about but lets be realistic. Until we have a car I will only be on the internet to look at cars. If anyone reads this and has some helpful hints for us on our adventure feel free to share! Thanks!

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