Friday, November 1, 2013

No pictures

Yup once again I'm not adding pictures to this post. I've never been a picture kind of gal so I guess I'm not too surprised that I still hate taking them and adding them to my writing. I will probably just dump some on here when I feel in the mood :)

Backtracking a little, my BFF #2 (Nate is/will always be my #1) came and visited me this past week. It was pretty much the best week sense I moved in and that is saying a lot because I feel like moving to AZ has been a positive change for us. We mostly talked and ate lots of yummy food. When we are next door neighbors we have plans to have a recreational center in our backyard so that we can still be friends without it affecting our health. I can hardly wait for that day! It keeps me wanting to grow older verses younger (because childhood is amazing but we can't go back).

My baby is in Utah. I miss him. I have only been home and away from him for a few hours and I do not feel relieved. I am not the slightest bit worried about him but I miss his company. Nate will be working until we leave and I miss my buddy. It was so hard to leave him when I was getting dropped off at the airport the only word he kept saying was "go". I just flipped the meaning of the word and said "mommy has to go get on the plane".  I knew that he was not saying it because I was going. He was only saying it because he wanted to go.

I have only 10 more days and nights before I get to see my little mister. I also have flown 2 out of the 10 times (including plane changes) that will happen before the end of the year. I still feel like I am just watching someone else experience this exciting life but then I remember how hard Nathan worked and the toll it took on our marriage in order to get to this point and I know it is still me. We dreamed about it for 2 years and now it is time to experience it. Hello Kauai!!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you to experience Hawaii together! You guys deserve it! I hope you have a fabulous time. When you come back to get Kendrick, let me know...I'd love to meet up with you!
