Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Black Friday

Nate and I have always been black Friday fans. We think it is neat to go shopping at weird hours in the night and get a good deal. We also like the excitement of being surrounded by tons of people and then having the chance to chat while we wait in line. It is low key for us but I think my excitement came from my Uncle Brian. He would always just go for the door busters (which used to be little nik naks like a snow globe for free). A lot of the fun also comes from the planning of which stores to hit and when.

This year I'm not so fond of the idea. While I don't mind sitting on the couch and looking through ads with my fam I most certainly do mind actually shopping on Thanksgiving. Arg you stores on cutting in on time with my family. It just shows that the world is trying harder and harder to cut in on family time. Nate and I were still considering going just because we are away most of our family but then we decided we just didn't want to support that. We haven't had time to even get excited about anything that is on sale so it was a easy decision. I secretly hope that everyone chooses not to go so that stores will get the idea that Christmas comes AFTER Thanksgiving!! Plus Christmas has a much deeper meaning and pushing and shoving for material items certainly takes away from that.

Car Update: We did buy car on Monday but returned it Tuesday. We researched it more and decided that it still wasn't the one for us. We are probably the only people that have ever returned a car to a dealership without there being anything major wrong with the car. We are slow decision makers lol. We were able to rent a car so hopefully we will find a car before we have to return the rental. Wish us luck!

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