Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Week 22

How far along? 22 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss? My midwife is totally not worried about weight gain until the 3rd trimester. It isn't to say I won't gain weight but I don't have to make it my focus until later in pregnancy :)
Maternity clothes? Shirts! I really don't want to stretch any of mine out and my chest and tummy are big enough now that I am worried I will.
Stretch marks? Aquaphor and water are my friends to hopefully prevent them.
Sleep? Zzz. I love the new schedule our family is on. We go to bed early and then wake up with the sun and go on a walk. Nate joins us on the days he works and sleeps in a little on his days off. It is seriously perfect! I still takes naps but not everyday or as long.
Best moment this week? A Conversation with Kendrick that went something like this:
Me: Kendrick are you so excited to be getting either a brother or sister?
Kendrick: Ya Sister!
Me: What should we name your sister?
Kendrick: A police car. wheow woo (police car sounds)
Miss Anything? Not feeling/ looking bloated all the time.
Movement? So the midwife was right about the baby's placenta position. My placenta this time around is toward my back which is why I can feel so much more movement. The baby is also big enough now that when I get braxton hicks you can sometime feel the limbs of the baby stuck in one spot of where it tightens.
Food cravings? Fruit. I bought a bunch that was on sale so now it is always tempting me from the fridge.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Gardetto's garlic rye chips.
Have you started to show yet? Yup yup. Some outfits I look chubby in and others I look very prego.
Gender? During my ultrasound I saw a view that looked just like a little boy. It was from up above looking down and very easily could have just been the umbilical cord. I also saw a view that looked just like a girl but was from down below and could have just not been the full view of the private parts. So basically we still don't know. I didn't look when they actually were checking the gender. Both views were just when they were checking general anatomy. Nate chose to stay home with Kendrick while I went because he didn't want to chance accidentally finding out.
Labor Signs? On Sunday I had braxton hicks that were 2-4 min apart for several hours. They weren't painful in any way but it did seem odd to have them that regular. I have a choice to get another ultrasound done to see if my cervix is changing at all with the braxton hicks. I'm not worried that it is changing because the tightening is not painful and Kendrick didn't come very early even though I had braxton hicks with him. The ultrasound will show if my body is attempting preterm labor so I'm thinking I will end up getting it just so I can go on vacation worry free. I'm still debating but I have one scheduled for tomorrow so most likely I'll be getting it done.
Belly Button in or out? In but I can force it out which means I am WAY bigger this time around because I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that for several more weeks with Kendrick.
Wedding ring on or off? On and if it gets tight I just drink more water.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy! I have had charlie horses that started last week and they do not make me very happy. Oddly enough I was eating about 2 bananas a day. The trick that helped the most was sticking just my calves in the hot tub at our community pool. It took probably 10 minutes for my legs to stop cramping but I haven't had near as many since that day.
Looking forward to? Utah and Washington. I'm super anxious about it because it means that I will be leaving my muchacho for 3 weeks which is a ridiculously long time! However I love the thought of being 28 weeks when I come back to AZ. It just seems like once I go on vacation I will come home and have only 2 months left until Crowberry comes.

Week 22 from my phone. Still terrible at posing.

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