Thursday, July 24, 2014

Week 28

How far along? 28 Weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss? 4 weeks of vacation is sure to make a gal gain a little weight.
Maternity clothes? I'd say I'm officially in maternity clothes now.
Stretch marks? I have been told stretch marks have a lot to do with genetics. My mom doesn't remember getting any and had 8 kids. I'm hoping that I will be as lucky.
Sleep? I missed my tempurpedic mattress and it was wonderful getting a few hours in on it last night. I have been a back sleeper this whole pregnancy which is odd for me. I keep thinking it will change but I just put a pillow under my knees and I'm so cozy. I will occasionally sleep on my side with a pillow too but either way I love sleep.
Best moment(s) this week?
*Realizing I am in my 3rd trimester.
*Nathan's 28th birthday was this week and I'm 28 weeks pregnant. Cool!
*Oh and of course I have to add that Kendrick has loved on my belly a few times this week. On Sunday we had a 20 min session with him pushing on my belly and talking with the baby. Yesterday I asked him where mom's baby was and he lifted up my shirt and started poking me. :)
Miss Anything? Running. I can technically still run but I get terrible leg cramps that take 5-10 min to feel better. I ran for a few minutes yesterday during my walking exercise and I didn't realize how much I missed it until I was running.
Movement? I have a belly roller. Flips, rolls, and somersaults are apparently extremely fun to Crowberry.
Food cravings? Just less food. I have been less hungry.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not specific to this week but I still am not a fan of certain smells.
Have you started to show yet? Yes. This is the week where it seems everyone has made a comment about my belly. I'm no longer asked if I am pregnant I now get comments about being pregnant. I have tried not to be too self conscious which has been a little rough with the overload of comments in just a few days. I even had a guy tease me about eating chocolate. I think it is safe to say I'm out of the pudgy stage.
Gender? I'm anxious for a boy or girl.
Labor Signs? I was telling Nate on Tuesday how my Braxton hicks seemed to be calming down. Maybe I had just been to busy to notice them because yesterday I had them non-stop. I seem to get them most when I lie down and relax. I should remember that for when I go into labor. Maybe sleeping will help me progress more than walking.
Belly Button in or out? The top half is what sticks out and it looks like a little triangle. Also if I lean back really far my belly will make a triangle.
Wedding ring on or off? On and usually a little loose.
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy happy happy.
Looking forward to? So many things. I am planning on doing my research for the few things I know I want to buy before the baby comes. I'm also planning on being done with my baby shopping by the end of this month. Here is my list:


White onsies with the long sleeves and hand covers
1 Generic but super adorable outfit
These blankets but I want to see if I can just buy fabric and make my own

I borrowed a lot of baby gear from family or friends with Kendrick so other than clothes (for a boy) I have to restart. Really though other than cuddles and loves a baby doesn't need much. I love not knowing the gender because I'm not tempted to buy anything that I don't need. 

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