Thursday, August 4, 2011

Week 15

The best part about this week has been adding dairy back into my diet. I haven't been able to have dairy every since I went on birth control until this week. I have eaten ice cream and had graham crackers and milk without feeling extremely sick afterwards. It has been amazing and I hope it is something that will last even after the pregnancy.

I would choose being pregnant over being on birth control every day. I never knew just how normal it would feel to have a baby growing inside me. If it wasn't for the lack of sleep I would say that being pregnant is better for my body than not. It has been a very easy adjustment.

The other best thing that has happened this week is that we got our crib and attempted to set it up for family night. It took days to get all of the right screws and bolts that were  missing but we are happy with the final product. A little shoe polished shined up all of the scuffs that were on it and we couldn't be happier.

I can't remember if I mentioned running last week but this weeks running has been interesting. I feel like I have to pee almost every time we go. It is so hard to have a baby bouncing on the bladder and I'm assuming the further along I get the harder it will be to not pee my pants while running. I was planning on having restroom breaks routed into our driving long distances when I got further along but restroom breaks during a short mile run seems kinda crazy. Hopefully remembering to use the restroom before we run should solve the problem.

This week has been full of adventures because I was also offered a job at America First in West Valley. I am really excited about it and I start training on Monday. They don't currently know that I am pregnant so I have no idea if I will be able to stay after the baby comes but the plan is to try and work up until I deliver and then work enough hours after that I can stay on their insurance. Life is full of twists and turn so we will just have to see which ones Nate and I get to take. Peace!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm shoe polish? Wouldn't have thought of that one...I also had the same problem last night in the temple of having to pee. First time ever! Had to leave for a min during the session and luckily it worked out perfectly. Drinking more water is a big adjustment...let alone when I am actually prego ahhh. Sooooo excited about your job....minus the possibly talking less part ;)
