Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I have to publicly thank my friend for teaching me this word. It has altered the way I shop. The definition of spaving is to spend money in order to save money. It applies to all of those amazing deals we see in the store that tell us we are saving x amount of money when we buy a product, yet we still have to buy the product in order to save. So we spave.

It has really made me re-think each time I go shopping. Am I only buying this because it is on sale? I have known about the word for about a year now and my spending habits have already changed. It is hard to justify spending when I know that in the end I am only spaving.

One of the stores that always can get me to spave is Smith's (called Fry's in AZ). I don't often shop there but when I do I always tend to leave with more that what I went in for. They have deals right when you walk in the door that just always seem to be killer deals. I love getting all the snacks, cake mixes, drinks, etc from there. If you buy 10 you get a great deal. I spave! I'm slowly getting better about not being so tempted but I still have my moments.

Is there anything that you readers spave on? I'd love to hear and know that I'm not the only one. :)


  1. That's a great word...I'm going to be better about not spaving too! We miss you guys! :)

  2. Well, off the top of my head I would say I spave at the beauty supply store and Target. I've learned to allot myself a "treat" knowing I can get one small thing when I see those awesome deals. :)
