Friday, December 6, 2013

Crow #2

Nope not preggo! However, this post is about baby number 2! It has been on my mind a lot which is why I might as well blog about it. I love babies! If I didn't want to be a stay at home mom so badly I would probably be a Obstetrician or something as close to that as possible. I always have this constant pull to have a newborn in my arms. Newborns have a spirit about them that no other person posses. They are a taste of heaven and the closest thing to it.

Mainly I just wanted to talk about #2 because everyone (meaning people who are not family or friends) keeps asking us about it. I'm a fairly open person so if people are going to keep asking I guess I can post our response on here and refer the question to my blog. I think I'm amazed by everyone being so bold because I only had one person ask us when we were going to get pregnant the 1st time. Also I rarely had anyone comment too much on my pregnancy. Somehow we are now getting questions at least once a week about #2. I'm blown out of the water each time and usually just laugh because it is so awkward. I don't understand why they try so hard to tell me that Kendrick needs a brother when do not even know Kendrick's first name.

I will always want a baby. I wanted to be pregnant again almost the moment I had Kendrick because I missed having him in my belly. I love pregnancy and I love babies. That part is simple for me. The complicated part is that I'm a logical person. I don't let my love for a newborn baby overpower my thoughts of what is right for our family. I love my time with Kendrick. He keeps me so busy during the day that my confidence as a mom to more than one is pretty low. I know my Heavenly Father will help me with that but I also believe that I know my own limits and being aware of that is what help me be a better mom when we choose to expand our family.

When we choose to have another baby it will be between God, Nathan and I. I do know that I will be overjoyed no matter the moment but I'm also overjoyed with my life now. I feel complete with what blessings I have been given to me now. While babies are always a blessing Kenny has filled my heart to the rim. When the time comes for another it will be the best time in our lives I am sure. Right now though I'm still so so so happy that God allowed me to be a mother to Kendrick. He is my world and I feel so complete with him in it. He allowed me to have my dream job and I have much I can still do to be better at it.

So to answer the question on when will we have #2? No idea! I'm happy waiting and I also wish that I could have a baby tomorrow. I have no doubts that Kendrick would love having a playmate now. I also don't doubt that he will be a great big brother even if his sibling is not super close to his age. I will be the one teaching my children how to love and respect each other so there is no magical age that will make that happen.

OFF TOPIC PARAGRAPH: Nathan is the most supportive husband ever! He supports my ideas and helps me move past my fears. I look forward to our adventures that we still have ahead of us and enjoy the ones we are currently living. We don't have a perfect marriage but we are continually learning and growing in order to try to better it. We have had some big decisions to make the past few weeks and I am so proud of his ability to make them with confidence. He amazes me on a daily basis. He is the love of my life and I feel so lucky that I met him at a young age so I could make all of life's big decisions with him.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are amazing! Wish we could come visit you for Christmas this year. We miss you!
