Sunday, October 16, 2011

My sugar addiction..

So I just LOVE sugar. I pretty much think it is the best thing ever. I think I love food in general because I also love my fruits and veggies, but I crave sugar more than most. This isn't a pregnancy thing just a Melanie thing.

I have been reading some childbirth books that say that you have to get rid of fear in order to have a pain free childbirth. The only fear that sometimes comes to mind is that I might not be able to have the willpower to stay focused during labor without drugs. That is why this post is about sugar. It is a major part of my diet and I decided today that if I could eliminate it from my diet than I could do anything I set my mind to... including delivering a baby naturally.

I have confidence that I will be able to handle the pain because I have broken an arm and had my wisdom teeth pulled without feeling any pain from either incident. I personally think that I have a high pain tolerance and if I can keep focused on the end result I know that delivering a child naturally is possible.

This post may not make a ton of sense because of how tired I am, but basically I am going to cut out sweets from my diet until I give birth. I need to be able to make it through Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas without gaining more weight than what is necessary and I need to know that I can do something hard. Not eating sweets is going to be something that will be really really hard for me mentally. If I can go three months without sweets I will have more confidence that I can put my mind to anything.. like having a baby.

Wish me luck because the first week is always the hardest!


  1. I have full confidence in you, but I feel that Halloween would truly be torture. Maybe you could go to a cabin for the weekend and getaway from the temptation. Does this just mean no candy or no desserts of any kind??

  2. I'm doing no candy or desserts... but I find that Nathan's view and my view on desserts are different. I would consider fig newtons to be a dessert, but he does not.. so I had some today :)

  3. Why must we torture ourselves?!! Good luck.

  4. I'd love to sit down and hear your beliefs on why you need to feel pain? Or torture yourself? Why are you interested in the natural? This is surprising as your husband's lively hood (and yours and your child) is based on the chemical. We should have talked more today.

  5. Give me a call anytime Anna :) I'd love to chat about it!
