Thursday, October 13, 2011

Week 25

I realize that I am a day early in posting this but I just had to say ONLY 99 DAYS UNTIL KENDRICK SPENCER CROW IS EXPECTED TO ARRIVE!! We are down to 2 digits now and I can hardly believe how fast time is flying by.

This week has been pretty basic. There are times Kendrick stops me in my tracks and makes me take a moment to smile because I realize the crazy movement in my belly is just him. My favorite thing that Nate does is say "Kendrick I am your Father" to my belly in the Darth Vader voice. It makes me laugh every time and also appreciate the fact that we are not naming our baby Luke. I am determined to start reading books to Kendrick this week. I want him to love reading/ listening to good books so I'm hoping that if we start the habit while he is in the womb he won't be able to resist : ) The library is going to be my favorite walking to, through, and from once Kendrick is here so I hope he can enjoy it as much as I do.

This week I am on a hunt for a Hypnobirthing class. I want to start as soon as possible but I am still having a hard time justifying the money. It is about as expensive as an epidural so as long as I follow through with everything than I guess it all evens out.. except insurance pays for the epidural and I pay for the hypnobirthing : (

No pictures this week... just imagine my belly and behind bigger and that should be enough of a image.

1 comment:

  1. Hypnobirthing? I believe you told me about this...kind of like a deep realaxing breathing exercise?? Let me know what you find out. Haha Nate make me laugh!
