Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mister Kendrick

 I love this picture because the flash is to bright for him to keep his eyes open but he still knows to smile and you can see all 8 of his teeth. He also has milk splattered on his cheek.

The excitement of the camera case. My ma and I took turns visiting my cousin and her new baby.  Kendrick was so good the ENTIRE time (about 2 hours). Who knew that a hospital could be so fun?

Kendrick has been changing so much over the past few months that I wanted to document some of his most recent developments.

*He can say Mama, Papa, Dada, outside, cheese, juice, keys, night night, banana, hi, ought oh and occasionally he will mimic other words but doesn't know what they are.

*He can sign all the sign language that I know (around 20 signs). It has helped a ton with tantrums because usually I can get him to calm down and sign please rather than just screaming for things he wants.

*He will crawl under his crib and fish out objects that he throws underneath it.

*If I'm not in the same room as him he will call out "Mama" and then when I say "Yes baby?" he will come and find me and play wherever I am. (Possibly my favorite thing he does right now even if I am in the same room and he is just being too lazy to look up).

*He sleeps like a champ. He still usually takes 2 naps and sleeps all night. Only when he is teething does his sleeping change a little.

*This one is embarrassing to say but because I want to remember it I will. He grunts when he picks up heavy objects or occasionally when he sits down. After thinking about it I think it is because sometimes I grunt when I pick him up and he is heavier than I am expecting.

*If I had to guess what kind of jobs he might have in the future this is what I'd guess.
Race Car Driver: Based on his need for speed and love for cars.
Veterinarian: He squeals with excitement over dogs and birds the most. He loves stuffed animals and hugs them whenever he sees one. I'd imagine that if he was potty trained he would probably wet his pants over his excitement.
Chef: His favorite toys are my cooking utensils. I can't be in the kitchen without him wanting to help.
Electrician: He loves to plug and unplug objects. Luckily he has not tried to insert anything into sockets other than what belongs there but it still frightens me.
Outdoors Man: I don't have a exact profession. I'm thinking like a hiker, mountain biker, tour guide, etc. This one is broad but Kendrick loves the outdoors more than anyone I know. He knows what "get your shoes" means because he knows that once he gets them we go outside.

*He loves tickles. He will sometime grab my hand and use it to tickle his face. He is also pretty good about attempting to give tickles.

*If I am sitting on the floor he will usually run up to my back wanting a piggy back ride.

*He knows to fold his arms for a prayer. He typically just crosses his hands like my mom does. Cracks me up. He keeps them folded until amen.

*He loves to watch anything on the computer. I try really really hard to not let him watch TV but I also think that it is so adorable that he will sit so still. He is such a busy body that it amazes me that he will sit through any TV episode as long as I watch it with him.

This list is probably long enough so I will stop now. I just love how much he is learning and wish I could have a permanent memory of all he does.

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