Saturday, June 22, 2013


On Wednesday we went to the splash pad at Liberty Park. Kendrick was hesitant about the splash pad for about 3 minutes until he realized that it was water coming out of the ground. He went from clingy to independent so quickly that we felt like we came with a toddler but left with a 8 year old. 

Kendrick's favorite word to say is outside. It is so clear that there is no mistaking what he is saying. Yesterday morning a motorcycle drove by and Nate and I heard a little voice say "outside" coming from his crib. He is in love with the outdoors.

With all the time it takes to pack and move we have some of the best activities planned for Kendrick this next week. We have plans to go to Jump around Utah, The Aquarium, The Little Gym, and probably Liberty Park again. We want him to love his last few days in Utah and enjoy the outdoors as much as possible before we move to a unmistakable desert.


  1. So fun! The splash pad water wasn't on when we did our apartment swap. Emmé would have loved that! :)

  2. Bahaha him saying, "outside" from his crib literally make me giggle! So great that you are making his time left enjoyable. I'm sure he and you all will grow accustom to the Arizona desert. Still so strange you wil not be in Utah the next time I go to visit. It's like you are all grown up or something ;)
