Saturday, June 29, 2013


We are without internet for another week but I have too much to write so I thought I’d dump my thoughts in a word sheet and post it later. The move went better than expected. We were able to do it extremely cheap thanks to the amazing Cindy. She drove with us down so we could take Nate’s Pop’s truck and my brother’s trailer and then she drove it back to Utah for us.  

Kendrick was a gem compared to what he could have been. He was running a fever of 103 pretty much the entire way and was not sleeping like he usually does in the car. He was cutting 2 molars and even with ibuprofen it was hard to keep his temp under control. We only had to pull over 3 times to either give him more medicine or to cool him down. Somehow he would magically be happier by the time we had to put him back in the car. He even learned how to say car while on the road.

The good news about him cutting teeth is that we were able to pack and unpack with him pretty much sleeping all day both days. When Kenny cuts teeth he sleeps. He possibly sleeps more than a newborn and yet somehow I have lucked out that every single time we move (even just for 6 weeks on Nate’s rotations) he cuts teeth and I am able to pack everything up without having to have anyone else watch him.

We are now cleaning scrubbing our house and unpacking. Apparently the people before us had a dog because I keep finding dog hair everywhere and it is really grossing me out. I love animals but having dog hair in places where it does not belong is not something I love. I don’t like what they leave behind in my living space. I especially don’t like anything near or in my bed and after having a jumping spider try to be our friend we called to have our house debugged. As a whole I think we will love AZ…we just have to not panic and keep telling ourselves that until winter. J

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