Saturday, May 17, 2014

Quick stories to remember about my Mister.

Time keeps on ticking and I just don't want to forget:

Kendrick had his first ever swim lesson today. I have so many mixed feelings. I couldn't stop smiling at his ability to follow orders and attempt to swim. I was so proud of his courage to put his head in the water (even though getting water in his eyes still makes him hesitant because of the Tide Spray). I loved that he would say hi to the girl across the pool even though he had only been away from her for a few minutes. I was also sad to see in a matter of moments that my baby is such a little man. He is so grown up and is getting to the point where he is more independent than dependent. He can say things like "towel, turtle, scary, basketball, no poop, Sis. Bailey, baby, splash" that all describe his view of swimming perfectly. It made my momma heart proud and a bit saddened to have my baby so big.

Yesterday I tried to let Kendrick feel the baby kick by placing his hand on my tummy. He instantly got freaked out and started crying (even before the baby kicked). It was only moments later that his little hand was rested on my belly. I don't think he could feel any kicking but it was fun to see his opinion change of putting his hand on my belly.

Kendrick will occasionally not come into our room when he wakes up. Instead I will hear him in our living room playing with his toys. I love that my boy can be entertained with cars, trucks, and trains for endless amounts of time.

Last night he said "love you" before I even got a chance to tell him first. It was overwhelming to feel his love so sincerely. If I tell him I love him he will respond "Thank you" and I can't help but think he will never know my love but also relieved that he feels so loved.

Kendrick is so stinking polite. I do love myself a well mannered boy but I think some of it is just his personality and not my teaching. He will say "bless you" to just about any noise that comes from the body. He will also shout it if you are in a different room than him when you burp, rumble, sneeze, etc. Sometimes he will even bless himself. Love it!

I have a habit of making Kendrick look at my eyes when I am talking to him... especially if it is after he did something he was not supposed to. I just feel like if he is looking at my eyes then maybe he will understand more. Anyway a couple of times he has taken my face between his two hands and will say "look at me momma. Eyes!" Sometimes he will then poke my eyes but still so worth the adorable moment.

Kendrick is still so happy to hear that he will be a big brother. He still sleeps with his baby and he still notices other babies around us. About a week ago we went to Denny's while our car was getting a oil change. After we were done eating we went to wash up in the restroom. On our way back to our table we passed a boy who was probably very similar to Kendrick's age. Kendrick promptly patted him on the head before I even had a chance to pull him away. There is just something about babies that he notices and loves. I realize it may not last which is why I just want to note that as of now Kendrick sure loves babies.

Kendrick loves the library. We try and go once a week just to get out of the house and to get some new books to read. Usually I can get him to read all the books without him picking the same one over and over. This week has been different. We borrowed Bubble Trouble and he LOVES it. It is a bit longer but he will listen with such intent I always end up reading it rather than trying to persuade him to others. It also has a baby in it and books with babies are among his favorite.

Well my mister is awake. I'm sure I am missing some very awesome memories but hopefully I will just be better about posting and get them in another time :)


  1. You are such a darling mom, Mel! Keep the posts comin.. So fun to hear about what you guys are up to! -Kylee

  2. We loved the book Bubble Trouble too! Emmé picked it over and over when we got it at the library. :)
