Friday, September 2, 2011

Doctor Notes

Today at our 20 week ultrasound they told us that I currently have placenta previa. It isn't a big deal right now because as the uterus expands the placenta should move with it. Lucky for us we get another ultrasound at the end of the month :) If the placenta hasn't moved away from my cervix by then then I will probably be on bed rest. There is a 90% chance it will move so we aren't really too worried. We'll wait till the next ultrasound before we start worrying about it.

We were also told that there is a small cyst in Kendrick's brain. It too should disappear with time because it is mainly caused by too much amniotic fluid or something of the sort. It is one sign of down syndrome though so they have to watch that too to see if it changes over time. We could do a test to see about down syndrome but we don't think it is worth it. It won't change anything about the pregnancy and a ultrasound in the third trimester might be able to determine if the cyst has changed. The tests are based on statistics not diagnosis so I think I would rather know that it is a possibility then get a false/positive.

I really liked the doctor that helped read the ultrasound. Overall, Kendrick is one healthy babe. He has all of his main bones and a stubborn personality with wanting to cooperate. His heart and stomach were the easiest to see on the ultrasound and I can already tell that he will have a big loving heart with just about anyone. He always places it front and center so that anyone can see or just hear it if using the heartbeat monitor. Last time he had his heart checked the midwife told me she could hear both chambers shutting because of how close she had the monitor to the heart.

I sure am excited to meet our little guy. I love seeing him during ultrasounds and consider myself lucky that we get a couple more. Usually after the 20 week ultrasound if everything looks great you don't get to see your baby again until it is born so I think we are pretty lucky.

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