Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mister is not so little

I feel like Kendrick has gone from being my little toddler to my little boy the last few days. He has developmentally changed so much that I knew I needed to document it. In less than a week this is what he has learned.

*How to get water out of the fridge for himself.

*That climbing out of his crib was cool. We decided to switch it to a toddler bed on Wednesday. Already he has learned to stay in his bed until mommy or daddy come and get him even though he does have access to get out.

*Mimicking every single word I say... except Love. This one impresses me the most. Last week it felt like he didn't know more than 20-30 words and all of the sudden he knows hundreds. I guess he decided that it was cool to talk after all.

*He understands to wait for a prayer before eating his dinner.

*If he looses something I can ask him where he put it last and he will almost always remember and go and grab it.

*He will tell me if he is hungry or thirsty and usually tell me what he wants to eat or drink.

*If I tell him what we will be doing after his nap or when he wakes up in the morning he will go to sleep giggling with excitement.

*Still sleeps like a champ. It is rare for him not to sleep at least 12 hours at night and he has finally switched to just one nap which is typically 2 1/2 - 4 hours. Mister loves his sleep.

*We took away his binky and just told him it was gone. He barely fussed which was a HUGE deal because we though he was so attached. A few days later he saw a binky we hadn't thrown out yet and cried for it. I handed it to him and told him to go throw it away. No questions asked he took it from my hands and ran and dumped it in the trash. Proudest moment of my mister.

*When in Washington he learned the word snuggle and says it whenever he wants me to snuggle him.

*He will run and hug me LOTS throughout the day and makes it a mini game.

*He loves to just play with one or two toys at a time. He has a favorite truck and police car that he keeps in both hands and will entertain him for HOURS. He is also great about cleaning up his toys and singing the clean up song while he does it.

*When I tell him Daddy is at work he will stop looking for him around the house and say "Daddy work"

 I love being this little misters mama. He makes me happier than I ever thought possible. Nate is also the best Daddy I could have hoped for. Growing up I never imagined my kids having such a great Dad... I just assumed Dad's worked and that was their only role. Nate is so much more than that. He plays and teaches Kendrick so much. He never ever loses patience or cheerfulness. He is Kendrick's best friend and even just today before his nap Kendrick told me he missed Daddy. I feel so blessed to have such amazing boys in my life and I hope to someday have more. I adore boys and would be completely content if that is all our family consisted of...except me haha.

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