Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mister's Words

Kendrick is talking so so much. I absolutely love having a 2 year old. He is such a joy to be around. Here are some things he is saying:

Mister: Babies
Me: You see a baby? Where?
Mister: Where is go?
Me: Is there a baby here? (Pointing to his shoulder)
Mister: (Looks at me confused) Here! (points to a open mouth)
Me: You ate the baby? Oh NO!
Mister: (giggles)
*We have had multiple baby conversations while rocking him to sleep. He will randomly blurt out baby. I think I would find it absolutely adorable if it wasn't quite so random. It kind of freaks me out just a little... especially because in this conversation he ate the baby.

Mister: Chocolate! Airplane! Chocolate Airplane!
Me: You want a chocolate airplane?
Mister: Ya!
*Did you know that you can buy chocolate airplanes? Kendrick has said it so much that I researched them. I'm thinking I might buy him a airplane chocolate mold and make him some because seriously this boy wants a chocolate airplane on a daily basis.

UPDATE: So today I discovered that he has probably never ever said chocolate airplane. He has actually been trying to say jacket airplane. My mommer gave him a jacket that has airplanes all over it and he has been saying while usually standing in his closet. It was not until today until I figured it out. Feeling kinda dump but I do think he would still enjoy a chocolate airplane which is why he didn't mind my misunderstanding.

*The following happens just about each time we are putting Kendrick down for bed or a nap.
Mister: Water? Gik (milk)? blanet? ock (rock)? ock? ock? ock? nuggle (snuggle)? water? ock? etc.

*Conversation each time we change his bum.
Mister: Shower?
Us: No!
Mister: Bath?
Us: Nope!
Mister: Shower? Shower? Shower? Shower?

Mister: (points to himself) Kendrick! (probably more like enik)
Me: (I point to myself) Who is this?
Mister: Mine!
Me: What? (confused he didn't say mama)
Mister: Mine. Mine.
*Heart melted!

*Hands me the phone.
Mister: Call Daddy!

P.s. No not pregnant. I do however ask Kendrick if he wants a brother, sister, or sibling pretty often. He has yet to say no and I just find it adorable. I will usually follow or lead with other questions that he has said no to but never those. His blurting out baby has also never been during the time I'm asking him about future siblings. I guess I keep asking him thinking I will eventually throw him off and he will say no... but I love that it has not yet happened.

UPDATE: So I was prego when I wrote this post but I did not yet know it. The only time Kendrick has EVER said no to wanting a sibling was the day we found out. He said no almost all day. Each day before and now after he always seems to say yes when I ask. I thought it was pretty funny. I think maybe he finally realized it was real and panicked and then once again got excited. Who knows but I sure am grateful he wants a sibling so bad!

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